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For those who have requested it, donations, honorariums and other financial support for my storytelling, workshops or laughter sessions can be sent via PayPal 


Lynette Ford

Lyn in Printed and Spoken Word Publications  THIS PAGE WILL BE UPDATED SOON!

Lyn's work is published in the following resources:

Lyn's book, Beyond the Briar Patch, as well as her Affrilachian Tales, are available from Parkhurst Brothers Publishing! Check for availability at and Barnes and Noble's e-Nook sites, too! Affrilachian Tales received the 2013 Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award, and the 2013 Storytelling World Award. Beyond the Briar Patch has been called "a cultural treasury" by the Midwest Book Review, and is also the winner of the Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award. Thank you to all who have supported my work over the years. Your encouragement gave me the incentive to put my versions of our family's orature in printed format. And Hot Wind Boiling Rain is now a 2017 Storytelling Resource Award-winner, for the story, "By Another Name"! ALSO AVAILABLE IN 2017: LYN FORD AND SHERRY NORFOLK'S BOO-TICKLE TALES!!!

  • Lyn Ford is a teller at Tales2Go! Go to Interest in, and the list of participating story-sharers, continues to grow. The site was featured in "Parents" magazine.

  • As an Ohio Alliance for Arts Education storyteller and Artist-in-Schools, Lyn is proud and happy to announce that she is a contributing author to the following publications: 

Storytelling and QAR Strategies,

by Phyllis Hostmeyer and Marilyn Adele Kinsella.

Character traits for three grade levels are promoted in a collection of world folktales, legends, myths, and personal stories, with corresponding questions and activities that involve students in the process of Question-Answer Relationships (QAR).

ABC-Clio website:

The August House Book of Scary Stories

Liz Parkhurst,Editor

(Stories and tips for telling them are appropriate for grades 5 and up.)

Download your copy of the August House Book of Scary Stories Story Starter Kit at

Literacy Development in the Storytelling Classroom

Sherry Norfolk, Jane Stenson, and Diane Williams, Editors

Greenwood Publishers order form:

Literacy Development in the Storytelling Classroom is a 2010 Storytelling World Award - Winner, in the category of Special Storytelling Resources - Storytelling World.

Note: the above book linking oral literacy to other areas of language arts and the curriculum is a companion book to the 2006 publication, The Storytelling Classroom: Applications Across the Curriculum. The Storytelling Classroom is a 2008 Storytelling World Resource Award Winner! Lyn's work is also included in that publication.

In 2006, Lyn was honored to be included in the National Association of Black Storytellers' Sayin' Somethin'.

Lyn's CD list will change, as she updates old titles and adds a new one. Here are a couple that are still available:

Lyn's CD, When the Gourd Broke, is a NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Award) Honors Award winner, suitable for all ages. Contact Lyn for more information.

Cultures in Collision, co-created with Jeff Gere and Alton Chung, with Les Adam on piano, received a Storytelling World Resources Honors Award. This recording of stories of conflict and resolution is suitable for grades 7 - adults. This CD is available by contacting Story-star Jeff Gere:

Contact Lyn to get these and other recordings, including the popular

seasonal and campfire favorite Tales for An October Night, and a special multi-talent recording from The Haunting in the Hills--limited numbers available!

Lyn is also attempting to reissue by the end of 2020:

  • her CD of three versions of Tortoise and Hare, Turtle and Rabbit, made popular in education workshops shared over the past five years.
  • Rabbit Tales Retold, Lyn's first recording.
  • Foundations, stories of Lyn's early years and the kinfolk who influenced her storytelling. NOTE: Don't let the cute teddy bear on the cover fool you. This one is for older listeners, grades 5 - adults!




Stories seasoned with Affrilachian tradition, joy, hope and love

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