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For those who have requested it, donations, honorariums and other financial support for my storytelling, workshops or laughter sessions can be sent via PayPal
Lynette Ford
For those who have requested it, donations, honorariums and other financial support for my storytelling, workshops or laughter sessions can be sent via PayPal
Lynette Ford

Noteworthy Notes:
- Affrilachian Tales: Folktales from the African-American Appalachian Tradition You can also find Affrilachian Tales on! And my second Parkhurst Brothers publication, Beyond the Briar Patch, is available, too! Woo-hoo, y'all!
- Both books won awards! Affrilachian Tales received two awards, the 2013 Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award, and a 2013 Storytelling World Resource Award. Beyond the Briar Patch has also received the 2015 Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award. Wow! I am feelin' good about all of that! Thank you to all who believe in what I do, and support my work.
- Book #3 from Parkhurst Brothers! Look for HOT WIND, BOILING RAIN: SCARY STORIES FOR STRONG HEARTS. Enjoy the stories. Try the writing exercises in the back of the book. Remember, this is an award-winning one that is not for the kiddies, or the faint of heart!
- BOO-TICKLE TALES: NOT-SO-SCARY STORIES FOR AGES 4-9 by Lyn Ford and Sherry Norfolk is now available!!!
- More titles will be posted soon!
- MY VIDEOS!!! Available thanks to the great folks who make the St. Louis Storytelling Festival such wonderful event, and the Columbus Dispatch.
- Wanna see and hear a story from the PowellsWood Festival? Go to:
- My International Storytelling Network webpage!
- THE APPLESEED, hosted by storyteller and poet Sam Payne! BYU Radio brings the voices of renowned storytellers and their stories to a national audience. Listen to some Rabbit Tales at
- I keep hearing that I'm on Sirius XM radio, but I never hear myself. Thank you to BYU Radio and others for making this possible!
- There's an article about me in the July 6, 2015 Columbus Dispatch!!! With a video and slideshow!!! Thank you, Ken Gordon, reporter extraordinaire. Can't believe it!!!
- LYN IS A CERTIFIED LAUGHTER YOGA* TEACHER! Go to my new Laughter Yoga page for more information.
- Lyn is proud to be a part of the wonderful, award-winning story-download website Tales2Go. Gather good stories for your young listener at this site:
- Learn about the art and craft of storytelling! Lyn's interview on breaking into storytelling isn't the only wonderful bit of information you'll find there (but it's a good place to start!)...
You'll meet some of the best and brightest storytellers in the wonderful interviews you find there:
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